Tuesday, January 31, 2012

create something imperfect

Joshua asks...

How does something perfect like God create something imperfect? How is something omniscient like God not know ahead of time that Adam was going to sin? If He did know before hand, why not stop him?


God creates things that perfectly suit his purpose. What you view as imperfect, God sees as entirely complete and suitable, with the capacity for being re-made perfect. God is a maker. God has the ability to re-make things, in a way that perfectly suits his purpose.

For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14 NLT

Perhaps it is in the process of re-making tin soldiers into men that God sees perfection.

How is something omniscient like God not know ahead of time that Adam was going to sin?

God did know.

You aren't suggesting here that eternal God, creator of time, beyond the bounds of time... you aren't suggesting here that there was something God did not already know, before there was time.

If He did know before hand, why not stop him?

Because it did not suit God's purpose to "stop him". God's purpose was served by allowing Adam to disobey. God's purpose was served by allowing sin to enter the world through Adam's disobedience.

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