Saturday, May 15, 2010

An Apparent Contradiction

Daily Reading May 15, 2010

 MVP said:
Spencer claims to know the mind of God with the following nonsense:

"The apparent contradiction you observe between the Genesis 1 and the Genesis 2 accounts of creation is just that. It is only an an apparent contradiction. I do not believe that you have even considered the possibility that both accounts are true, and that there is an explanation consistent with both accounts."
Both accounts CANNOT logically be true.
Genesis 1 has animals then humans.
Genesis 2 has man then animals then eve.
"There is a reality beyond your understanding of the words, MVP. The reality transcends your comprehension of it."

So you keep saying. I assume you will be telling me HOW you know this...lets see...
"The author of Genesis 2 (that is, God) had in mind..."

Bingo! You are claiming to know Gods mind. Thats probably the most self righteous self important and wholly ridiculous lead up to an explanation ever...

" communicate a truth about reality. And God knew (perfectly) that it was better expressed by listing events in an order other than a chronological order."

Riiiiggghhhht. So you know what God thinks and knows. Good for you. Its a shame that everything you just said is both nonsensical AND completley lacking any evidence past your own self-aggrandised delusional assertion and interpretation.
Please explain how the story in Genesis 2 makes any sense at all if not taken in the order it is written. That story makes perfect sense to me but is unfortunately not consistent with Genesis 1.


I admit that I was mistaken. I was under the impression you were open to investigating the truth.

But you are like a dog, whose master raises his finger to point to something in the distance. You are like the dog that stares only at the tip of the master's finger, rather than looking in the direction he points.

Both of the creation accounts (in Genesis 1 and 2) are true. There is no real contradiction. An apparent contradiction serves to point out that our understanding is incomplete.

But like a petulant child, you already understand all that you want to understand. You stomp your feet and wail about a contradiction that exists only in your own mind.

You are correct about some things. You are right to say that I cannot completely know the mind of God. I am limited, by a finite existence in space and time. My finite brain cannot fully comprehend everything that God knows.

But unlike you, I recognize that reality transcends my understanding of it. I have sufficient capacity to apprehend the truth.

The apparent contradiction you squawk about should tell us something. It should focus our attention, that perhaps our understanding of truth is incomplete. Perhaps there is deeper truth that God wants to reveal to us.

When we study the word God has given to us, we discover some important truths.

Genesis 1 reveals that God created everything. The phrase "the heavens and the earth" is not a list of two things. It's a figure of speech called a merism that means "all things" or "everything."

God reveals to us that he had an ordered plan for creation, and that it unfolded over a period of time. He reveals that his creation is complete. It was finished when he had breathed his life into man. (No other creature was so endowed with the breath of God.)

Genesis 2 reemphasizes the importance of man. Man is listed first, because man is the penultimate of God's creation. Mankind is God's reason for the entirety of creation.

I know you do not comprehend any of this. The Bible says that men like you are blind to the things of God.
The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.  1 Corinthians 2:14 (NIV)
To you, the Bible is an incoherent collection of contradictory scribblings. But to a man reborn of God, the truth of the Bible comes alive, revealing the beauty and majesty of God in full color.

The Bible also reveals that you are in perilous danger. You do not see it because of your love for darkness. God has given you light. He has given you a conscience. He has given you the ability to tell right from wrong.

But rather than seek more light, you choose to remain in the darkness, proclaiming that there is no light.

You are on a path towards eternal darkness. You are bound for the everlasting torment of hell.

You claim not to see it. Without light, you cannot see it. You fail to see the truth, because you refuse the light that has been given to you. Without light, the mirror has nothing to reflect, and you have no view of your condition.

Instead, you choose to hide in the darkness, believing you are right and good. But at the appointed hour, the harsh spotlight of God's judgment will reveal the truth.

Make no mistake about it, God will pass judgment on you. And his perfect justice will demand that you spend eternity in hell. You will have no chance of escaping God's justice. When God judges you, you will go to hell.

That doesn't have to happen. You have been provided with everything necessary, everything you need to find a different path, to find the one path that does not lead to hell.

I am concerned for you. And I know Ray is concerned for you too.

May 15, 2010 12:19 PM

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