Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Slim Chance

The only reason to believe is there's a slim chance you'll bypass hell and get into heaven? Why would anyone want to avoid hell? According to Christianity we all deserve hell for being evil evil sinful nasty rotten people. Do you not believe that you deserve hell? If we all deserve hell, then why even make any attempt to save anyone, including yourself? --Mudley
May 11, 2010 8:02 AM


It seems you have bought into an all too common misconception about being accepted by God. You think there is something you need to do to earn God's acceptance, or that you need to be "good enough" to merit God's acceptance.

If that were true, then our only two chances for eternity are slim and none. But slim has already left town. (Romans 3:23)

Fortunately, it isn't true that we have to do something or be good enough. It just is not true.

The truth is that God's acceptance of us is something that God does.

And it's not just a chance. It's a certainty. (John 3:15) (John 3:15 at biblegateway.com)

If it were not certain, then the church would be empty.

Just so we're clear: everyone deserves hell. There is no one worthy of escaping hell. (Romans 3:10) (Romans 3:10)

We don't "save ourselves" from hell. We can't. We are in a hopeless predicament.

Only God has the ability offer us a way out. (John 3:18) (John 3:18)

Jesus came to earth on a rescue mission, to save us from our predicament. (John 11:25) (John 3:17,11:25)

The only thing that is keeping you from eternity with God is your choice not to receive God's acceptance.

What will be your defense on Judgment day? That you didn't have a chance?

God sees through that defense. God sees the truth. You had more than a chance within your reach, you had a certainty. And you chose to refuse it.

Before it's too late, you can change your mind. There is no one too far away, and God's arms are not too short. Right from where you are today, you can turn towards God, and his acceptance.

May 11, 2010 7:15 PM

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