Monday, June 28, 2010

The Scale Of Sin

MVP asked...

Either there is a 'scale of sin' or there isn't. Which is it Spencer...

... you ignore this and still say that you are moral.


I'm more concerned about what the Bible says than any of the wrong ideas you have to share, MVP.

Given your illustrious track record of twisting Scripture and distorting what God says, it really comes as no surprise that you are so confused.

The Bible reveals that God HATES all sin. The Bible clearly teaches that ALL sins, large and small, are abhorrent to God.

The Bible teaches that I am to avoid sin, because even the smallest bit of sin makes me impure. It makes me unrighteous, and separates me from God.

"We are all infected and impure with sin.
When we display our righteous deeds,
they are nothing but filthy rags.
Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall,
and our sins sweep us away like the wind." -- Isaiah 64:6 (NLT)

Any good thing that I do is utterly useless to make me right with God. Even my best and most noble works ultimately fail at earning me righteousness.

Jesus compares sin to yeast, in that even a tiny amount of yeast will permeate an entire batch of dough. Likewise, even the tiniest hint of sin taints the entirety of my life.

The Bible teaches that sin cannot be compartmentalized, or kept restricted to just one area of my life. Even the smallest sin makes all of me impure before God.

In terms of measuring sin, or measuring my righteousness, there is no meaningful scale.

The only measurement that matters is whether or not I am separated from God.

This is not something I made up, MVP. I'm not putting words into God's mouth. This is what the Bible teaches.

God's perfect justice demands a verdict and requires a penalty. I deserve just punishment for my sin.

I made no claim of being moral, MVP. That silly notion is your own invention. The Bible is not the source of morality, MVP. That wrong idea is a product of your own wrong thinking.

The truth is that God Almighty alone is the author and judge of morality.

God alone is the one that decides that taking an innocent life is wrong. God alone is the judge of what is right and what is wrong.

But you choose to ignore this simple truth, and instead choose to author your own morality, apart from God, under the authority of your own righteousness.

Don't presume that I play your dark game, MVP. I am not enticed by your wrong thinking, which will ultimately lead to your utter destruction.

I choose my own path, MVP. Not blindly and not unthinkingly. I use the light I have been given, and choose to follow the narrow path that leads to life, rather than destruction.

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