Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thou Shalt Not Lust

James Romance says...

The Bible does not say, "Thou shalt not lust", in real life it only says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery". Christians twist Jesus' words around in Matt 5:27-28 to mean "Thou shalt not lust" when the context demonstrates that Jesus clearly meant it for married people, since single people who have sex with other single people, by definition are not committing adultery. Get a clue, Christians, duh!

@James Romance

As you note, Jesus "fills out" the commandment to its fuller meaning. It's not just the physical act that the Bible prohibits, but the sinful condition of the heart.

Yes, there are two different but related sins identified in the Bible. As you identified, one is "adultery", which literally means "breaking the marriage". This sin involves a married person having sex with someone other than their spouse.

The other sexual sin the Bible identifies is "fornication". (Gk. porneia, from which we derive the English word pornography)

Paul instructs us:

"Flee fornication." 1 Corinthians 6:18 (ASV)

So what is fornication?

Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.

The Bible goes on to identify all sorts of sexual perversion which is abhorrent to God.

Bottom line, the Bible teaches that sex between a man and a woman who are married to each other is moral. And it teaches that any other sex is immoral.

I believe the instructions God gives regarding "sex" have more to do with how important God views marriage, than it does about the importance of sex.

You chide Christians to "get a clue" about what the Bible teaches. Yet your own study of the Bible seems to be quite lacking.

Have you studied what the Bible has to say about the punishment that awaits those who present false teaching from the Bible, and leading people astray from the truth?
June 30, 2010 10:05 PM

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