Saturday, June 26, 2010

Why Is God So Hung Up

Chris B asked...

Why is God so hung up on Do's and Don't's of sex? I would think He has bigger things to worry about.

@Chris B

That's an excellent question. Why would God be concerned about sex, why should that be any concern to Him?

When we study the Bible, we find that God IS concerned about it, The Bible addresses the issue in numerous places. Jesus himself addresses sex and sexuality.

So we can be pretty sure that this topic IS of some importance to God.

From our study of the Bible, we know that God does not hate sex, and that God does not expect us to live lives without any sex.

We do find that God has some pretty explicit parameters, some specific boundaries and guidelines.

Marriage is important to God, because it creates an environment that is ideal for raising children.

Reserving sex within the marriage PROTECTS the marriage from the harmful consequences of illicit sex.

Sex outside of marriage can lead to lust (idolatry) and addictive behavior. It also increases the chance for sexually transmitted diseases.

Sex creates powerful bonds between a couple, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Sex is an area of our lives where we can choose to honor God, and obey his commands. When we choose to be disobedient, we dishonor God, and open the door for all sorts of evil and mischief.

That's a short outline, a few key points.

I think all of these are of significant importance to God. What "bigger things" do you think God should be more concerned with?

You also asked about sexual behavior within a marriage. There are some gray areas there. I'm not going to speak to whether or not God approves of sadomasochism within a marriage, I think that's up to the man and the woman to decide for themselves.


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