Thursday, July 1, 2010

Measuring God's Morality

James Romance concludes...

Clearly the Bible's concept of what is moral/immoral falls short of many higher standards by which morals can be measured.

@James Romance

By what standards does one measure morality? And of these standards, which is of the most importance?

By what token do you esteem any standard "higher" than that of the Most High, the author and creator of the universe?

God is the sole author of right and wrong. He judges the thoughts and actions of all men perfectly.

On that appointed day, when you stand before the throne of judgment, what will be your defense before the judge that knows all things perfectly, even those things hidden in your heart. That there was a "higher" human morality which stands above God's perfect morality? That you have chosen to elevate your own morality above that of God?

"Behold, he has become like one of us, knowing right from wrong."

Make no mistake about this. The truth is that the wrath of God that will be poured out on those who use foolish and deceitful words to lead people astray from the truth of God.

You have an opportunity to turn away from evil and turn back towards God. He is anxious to forgive. The gift of God's mercy is free, there is nothing you need to do to earn it. There is nothing you can do to earn it. All you have to do is accept it.

The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
June 30, 2010 11:09 PM

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