Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Genesis contradicts itself

Albert said...

Gen 1:1 Genesis not only contradicts science, it also contradicts itself. Compare with Genesis 2:4-25 in which the order of events is entirely different.


You seem to be inventing contradictions. Yes, you are quite correct to observe that the order of events in the two accounts is entirely different. But the two accounts are not at all contradictory, rather, they are complementary.

Each of the accounts emphasizes different ideas.

The key to understanding is to recognize that in the second account, the author presents the ideas in an order that emphasizes his main ideas. And this happens to be an order which is not a chronological order.

Some, of course, object that this idea is just a "trick" to twist and contort the meaning of Scripture.

I would counter that the author of the second creation account gives no indication that his purpose is to present events in chronological order, or that doing so would serve his purpose, to emphasize his main ideas.

The idea that the second account is presented chronologically is unwarranted. One might go so far as to say that injecting that meaning into the text is a "trick" to invent an apparent contradiction.

1 comment:

  1. I love the second chapter of Genesis. It always seems to me that the first chapter is the spiritual creation..since things must happen first in the spiritual realm then in the physical. The spiritual realm is just as real as the physical realm. And Hebrews 11 declares that what what we see came from what we don't see. There are some discrepancies but they don't really bother me. Your interpretation behind the reasoning is a good one though. -C
