Monday, April 25, 2011

never ever looked at nature

Ryk said...

"I have never ever looked at nature and thought that there is even the slightest appearance of design. Nothing natural whether plant, animal, crystal or mountain looks designed in the slightest. I have however looked at designs and thought that they resemble nature."


You've never observed even the "slightest" appearance of design. I see that to be possible only if we take you to mean that you have "never ever looked at nature."

You say you've "looked at designs.". Designs of what, might we well ask. You say you observe design in "nothing natural". So, these things you observe design in, we must therefore conclude, be unnatural things.

If everything that exists is nature, and there is nothing that exists beyond nature, then what exactly are these 'unnatural' things you are observing design in?

Perhaps you observe design in the products of human intelligence. I think it's reasonable to ask, is human intelligence not natural? Or, are the products of human intelligence anything other than a product of nature?

You say that these "designs" you observe "resemble" nature, in which you stated you observe no design.

One wonders what resemblance you observe. We already know it isn't design, since you've ruled out "even the slightest appearance of design" as a similar feature.

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