Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another Contradiction

imadallasguy burbled...

So your contention is that the Bible says that babies go to heaven and also says babies go to hell.


No, that is not my contention. That "contradiction" is your own invention. You built that one yourself, you own it, not me.

I suggest that we allow Scripture to reveal the truth to us, rather than making a sport of rejecting truth because of contradictions we invent.

I believe Amy2 has already provided you relevant scripture verses. But to summarize...

Scripture reveals to us that infants are not condemned to hell. As one example, King David's newborn son became ill, and died after seven days.

Does the Bible say that David's infant son is destined to hell? No. The Bible indicates (quite clearly) that he is destined for "the house of the Lord", together with King David.

cf. 2 Samuel 12:22-23, Psalm 23:6

Jesus reveals in his teaching that little children are eligible to inherit the kingdom of God.

cf. Matthew 18:3-5, Luke 18:16-17

It's clear that infants and little children are not destined to hell.


A man does not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself. A man rejects the Bible because it contradicts him. -- (?) paraphrase of Spurgeon (?)

November 24, 2010 11:48 AM

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