Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The real question

MVP asks...

How many denminations are there?


You are of course inquiring about denominations within the Church, not of U.S. Treasury Notes.

There is one. There is one church. There is one head, Christ. Within the church, there is unity. The church is a single unit. One.

There are many parts, and not all the parts are the same.

There are non-essentials that can be debated vigorously within the church. But those topics are secondary, and are no reason for division.

On essential Christian doctrine, the body of Christ stands as one.

MVP asks...

How many people saying they have the right message?


Most people believe they are right. Some people are willing to admit that their knowledge is imperfect, and are open to correction. But some people have already made up their minds, and have invested so much in "being right" that they are unwilling or unable to admit they might be wrong.

MVP asks...

How many SEEMINGLY contradictory statements in the bible that lead to ambiguity?


Seemingly contradictory statements needn't lead to ambiguity. I believe that they lead us to a better understanding.

Seeming contradictions are indicators to us that we have not grasped the meaning. It shows that we've missed the meaning, probably because we've injected our own meaning in place of the author's intended meaning.

Seeming contradictions in the Bible do not present an obstacle to understanding. The real obstacle is one's belief that one is already right.

But the real question, MVP, is not whether I am "right". The essential question, the one upon which my eternity hinges, is whether I am "right with God".

Will I be saved, or will I be condemned?

There is no ambiguity in the answer to that question.

November 30, 2010 10:15 AM

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