Saturday, March 12, 2011

Do you?

Cola Boy Jr said....

As yes, the typical Christian retort. You see, I don't follow a religion that tells me to do so:

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Mat 19:21

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.Luke 12:33

Don't you want to be perfect? Don't you want the ultimate treasure in Heaven?

I don't have a deitiy who i profess to follow without question telling me to give up my possesions and follow him.

Do you?

It's so very convienant that followers of Christ take everything he says to heart., except for giving everything away to the poor. That part gets skipped or re-written to fit into their own lives.

Cola Boy Jr,

It's unfortunate that you misrepresent the teaching.

Instead of demonstrating a clear understanding what Jesus taught, you instead substitute your own misguided ideas.

You do others a great disservice by claiming that your bad ideas are a teaching from the Bible.

It's evident that you aren't interested in what Jesus actually taught, but that you are instead intent on spreading misinformation about what Jesus taught.

The truth is "that part" is not "skipped over or re-written" [sic]. It is well understood by many who have chosen to follow Jesus.

"That part" was a specific instruction given to a specific individual. That specific instruction was not incumbent upon every member of the Church.

For the rich young man, his wealth was in the way of his obedience to Jesus. His money and his possessions stood between him and his following Jesus.

Jesus was teaching about the things that stand between you and following Him. For the rich young man, Jesus knew what that thing was. From the text, we know the man desired to follow Jesus, he acknowledged God, and had kept all of God's commandments.

But there was still one thing that stood between the rich young man and his decision to follow Jesus. There was one thing that he was unwilling to surrender.

The question for you, Cola Boy Jr, is what is it that stands between you and God? What is it that you are unwilling to give up, in order to follow Jesus?

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