Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sporadic and rather random and careless

Steven J said...

First, Ray, you stated in your previous post, God ... is angry at humanity for all its evil. Disease, pain, suffering and death endorse the biblical account of both man's sin and God's holiness. That statement, in context, need not imply that the earthquake in Japan is God's immediate judgment on Japan for anything its people have done recently. Rather, it implies that the earthquake in Japan, the earlier ones in Chile and Haiti, and various other disasters, diseases, etc. are collectively God's judgments on humanity as a whole. But it still implies that the earthquake is God's judgment, just a sporadic and rather random and careless judgment.

Second, it is all very well to hand out the occasional meal voucher, monetary donation or jacket (or book) and tell us how much you love us. But when you go around and make statements that escape being defamatory simply because they are too absurd to be taken seriously, such as "atheists think that earthquakes are just nature improving itself," you obviously don't love us enough to refrain from insulting us in gratuitous and inane ways. And while only some of us are recipients of your charity, all of us are recipients of your falsehoods and insults (and note that you surely must have known that the above statement, when you made it, was both insulting and false).

@Steven J

No, that statement does not imply any such thing. God's judgment is neither sporadic nor random nor careless. Ray certainly never implied that.

God will judge the EVIL that each man does. But that judgment is withheld until judgment day, the day of the Lord.

The Lord's anger burns against those that commit evil, yes, but God's anger is not the same thing as God's judgment.

You lay claim to some higher moral ground, and accuse Ray of "falsehoods" and "insults", when you yourself make the deliberate choice to belittle Ray and misrepresent what Ray has said.

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