Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i think you both agree ...

Milocat said..

I think you both agree that the unsaved are depraved, evil, children of Satan, and the object of God's wrath.


No, I don't agree that the "unsaved" are the object of God's wrath.

God's wrath is directed at evil. God's judgment is against the EVIL things that people do. God's love is directed at ALL people. God desires for ALL people to be saved.

God does not intend for ANY person to go hell (the place that destroys both body and soul.) Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels. It is not the intended destination for people.

Everyone is a sinner. All have fallen short of God's standard. There is no one that deserves to be saved. No, not one.

Fred Phelps is wrong to pick out homosexual acts as somehow being especially despicable and somehow being more deserving of God's wrath than any other sin.

Fred Phelps is wrong that "God hates fags". The truth is that God loves people and desires all people to be saved. God hates the sin. God loves the sinner.

So, no, I don't agree that the "unsaved" are the object of God's wrath.

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