Friday, December 17, 2010

is this not a classic example ?

caveman73 said (regarding finding contradictions in the Bible, referring to the two creation accounts in the Bible) ...

Is this not a classic example of contradiction? Is this not confusing? Why the 2 creation stories?


1) No, the two separate creation accounts are not an example of a contradiction in the Bible.

2) Yes, this is an example of your confusion. You seem to be puzzled by the differences between the two accounts.

3) Yes, there are two distinct creation accounts. (That part you seem to grasp.)

The two accounts are deliberately different. There is a purpose served in relaying each account, they each illustrate different ideas.

The first account focuses on the order of creation. God created, over a period of time, an ordered universe, finishing with the creation of man.

The second account focuses on the topic of Man as the pinnacle of God's creation, His crowning achievement.

There is no real contradiction between the two accounts.

You introduce confusion, by superimposing your own meaning to invent a contradiction. You interject the (unwarranted) idea that both the first and second creation accounts are presented in chronological order.

I hope this helps answer your question.

Merry Christmas, caveman73!

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