Saturday, December 11, 2010

contradiction: justice and mercy

imadallasguy said...

Ray I notice your always speaking about how "just" your God is. Yet each time you speak of this you contradict yourself. Because you also believe that your God is going to show mercy on you and deliver you to heaven, instead of hell. Because mercy is the suspension of justice, your God can't be "just" and merciful. So is He just, or not? Is He merciful, or not? Are you going to heaven or hell? If you say heaven, then you can never claim your God to be a just God.

This is such a blatant contradiction that I'm surprised even one with as much cognitive dissonance as yourself could miss it for so long. Yet time and again you engage in this very double-speak, it's one of your recurring topics that you enjoy so much.

December 8, 2010 3:22 PM


The truth is that God is perfectly just, and is infinitely merciful. This may appear to you to be a contradiction, where at least one of those attributes must not be true.

The crux of your argument is your statement that "mercy is the suspension of justice". And you are correct, if that assertion is true, then there is a contradiction.

But, mercy is NOT the suspension of justice. Justice demands that a penalty is due. Mercy is a suspension of punishment. Perhaps this is an explanation of the paradox.

Justice demands a penalty, and the penalty is paid in full. It is by mercy that Jesus takes the penalty upon himself. God's justice is satisfied AND God grants mercy, to those that accept it.

It's a paradox not a contradiction.

Understand this: God's justice will be satisfied. A penalty is due. And the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross is a full payment of the penalty that is due.

I hope this helps answer your question.

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