Friday, December 17, 2010

what is this creator like?

Darkknight56 asks...

Q: What is this creator like?

A: We know what the creator is like from his creation, and by his revelation.

Q: How is it he exists?

A: God exists eternal, beyond the bounds of space and time. God doesn't exist in the sense that the universe exists, but in the sense that He is the foundation of existence. (The "ground of being", per Paul Tillich)

Q: Where did He come from?

A: God didn't come from anywhere. Or from any time. There is no cause for God. God just is, both transcendent and immanent, without cause. God is the "I AM".

Q: Why doesn't He just talk to His creation?

A: God does talk to His creation. God has chosen His way to communicate. You are choosing not to listen.

Q: And without referring to the bible, please.

A: No references from the Bible were provided, per your request.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spencer,

    Good responses to objections to the Faith. I liked your Christmas quiz too.

    In Christ's care,

    Craig B
