Saturday, December 11, 2010

why isn't Ray out there killing ?

Iago said...

Oh so God only finds it detestable if the Jews are homosexuals not anyone else. Got it.
So why isn't Ray out there killing homsexuals since he is a Jew ?


Because the Law was fulfilled in Jesus.

God stepped down from heaven to earth in a human body, and finished the work that the Law was unable to complete.

The requirement of the Law was that we be made perfect. The Law illustrates for us that we are utterly unable to attain righteousness, except through Jesus.

The entirety of the Mosaic Law can be summed up: "make yourselves pure". The Law is instruction to the tribes of the descendants of Jacob... to set themselves apart from the cultures surrounding them, to be set aside for a special purpose, to be marked as God's chosen people, to abide by His commandments and to live in accordance with each and every one of his instructions.

What the Law was unable to do, Jesus has already completed. That's what Jesus meant when he said "It is finished."

I hope this helps answer your question.

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