Wednesday, December 8, 2010

why waste time

vikingmonkey asks...

Why waste time proposing when all you have to do is be a good christian and rape someone?


You would have us believe that the passage you quoted condones rape, and condones sexual relations outside of marriage (which is expressly forbidden in other passages).

And you would have us believe that this passage provides for punishment of the violated woman, rather than setting up a boundary to PROTECT an unmarried virgin woman from violation.

Perhaps you would be more pleased with the instruction in this passage if it said nothing about what was to become of the woman. Perhaps you would rather not specify what was to happen to the woman, and allow whatever happens to her happen, which, in that cultural context, would be for her to be either stoned by the tribe, or at least shunned by the tribe, which is essentially equivalent to a death sentence.

It leaves one to wonder what your instruction to the tribe would have been, given this circumstance. We wonder what specific remedy would you have imposed on the man and on the woman.

December 7, 2010 8:51 AM

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