Wednesday, December 8, 2010

... if you let them grow up.

Iago said...

Spencer7593, so it is better to let these babies grow up, die and then go to Hell ?

Where is your compassion ? You are condemning countless millions of souls to an eternity of torment if you let them grow up.


I already answered the question you addressed to Amy2.

Amy2 a further question for you, since you state that you believe all babies that die before they are aware of "The Law", why are you against abortion ? Afterall if they grow up they most likely will end up in Hell. So why not spare them that ?

I am afterall using "Real Christian" logic here.

The answer to that question is that the moral imperative in the sixth commandment "You shall not murder" conflicts with the desire to "save" unborn babies by killing them.

You can refer to my previous post for a more thorough explanation.

That is a sufficient answer to your question "following 'Real Christian' logic here."

So, is it better to allow unborn babies to live, than it is to kill them? The simple answer to that question is yes. Every unborn baby is made in the image of God, and killing an unborn baby is a violation of God's moral imperative.

Where is my compassion? I think its here with me, I don't recall losing it, or leaving it anywhere. Where do you keep yours, Iago?

Iago says...

You are condemning countless millions of souls to an eternity of torment if you let them grow up.


You insist that I am responsible for "countless millions of souls". I don't recall any ethical obligation or moral imperative that instructs me that I own responsibility for "countless millions of souls".

I suppose that might be true, but I'd really need some evidence. Absent evidence, it's an unsupported assertion. (If you aren't clear on what an unsubstantiated assertion is, then ask coach Dimensio about it.)

I do believe I have a moral imperative concerning souls. I believe that I am fully responsible for exactly one soul, and I have the authority to condemn exactly one soul.

I do not have the moral authority, or the power or responsibility, to condemn any soul other than mine, much less "countless millions" of them.

Iago says...

if you let them grow up.


I not only allow them to grow up, I encourage it. I fully expect that a human baby will grow, and mature from a fully dependent baby and become a responsible adult. I do not know of any parent that expects their infant to remain an infant, or their child to remain a child.

So, yes, we allow them to grow up.

Am I concerned with their eternal destiny? Yes, I am concerned. But I don't extrapolate that concern into an action that contravenes a specific moral imperative.

The sixth commandment is reason enough not to kill unborn babies.

But beyond the specific instruction, even if that instruction were not given. I have not been given the moral authority to determine the eternal destiny of another human being.

Just as I am responsible for a single soul (mine), so should each individual is responsible for their own soul.

I don't find any warrant for the idea that my concern should override the free will of another soul, which is made in God's image. I do not find that I have the right to wield that power, and make such a choice for another individual.

But again, the moral imperative of the sixth commandment is sufficient reason not to kill unborn babies.

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