Thursday, December 9, 2010

the Law is still in effect

Iago said...

All those things are in your Bible and Jesus said the Law is still in effect.


You are quite right. Jesus said that all those things (i.e. the Law) was still in effect. What he said was true. The Law WAS still in effect.

It was in effect UNTIL the temple curtain was torn in two, at the moment of Jesus death, when he cried out and gave up his spirit.

It was at that moment, the perfect sacrifice fulfilled the law. The death of Jesus on the cross was full payment for the debt penalty.

The tearing of the temple curtain was a momentous event, and it signified that no longer was the holy of holies only to be entered by the high priest once a year.

Now, there is an even higher priest, Jesus, through whom all are invited to enter the holy of holies.

It was at that point that Jesus became the way through whom we move near to God.

So, you are quite right, Iago. When Jesus spoke those words, the Law was still in effect.

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, Hebrews 10:19-20 (ESV)

(The "holy of holies" was the innermost part of the temple, only the high priest entered, and only once a year.)

(Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, all can now enter the holy of holies.)

(The "curtain" (or veil) was the heavy fabric wall that separated the "holy of holies" from the rest of the temple, through which only the high priest was allowed to enter.)

(The old curtain was no longer in effect, the flesh of Jesus became the "curtain" through which we can enter the holy of holies.)

When the temple curtain was torn, at the exact point in time that Jesus cried out, gave up his spirit, and died, that marked the point that the Law was fulfilled.


Also, you hadn't considered: whom was Jesus addressing? Was it Jews, or was it Gentiles, or was it the church? When did he say this? Before he died on the cross, or after the resurrection?


I agree with you, you are quite right to point out that Jesus said the The Law was still in effect. When he said it, it WAS still in effect, because the requirements of the Law had not yet been satisfied.

I hope this helps answer your question.

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